Tabaka Township Mixed Day & Boarding School

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Tabaka Township school has 204 students. It is a mixed boarding and day school, meaning about 20 students live there during the year, requiring more water for bathing and cooking. In 2021, our team was able to install a 5,000 L tank on the school grounds. The well on the property is dry the majority of the time, and they have no other water sources nearby. Prior to the tank installation, they relied heavily on paying for motorcycle deliveries of water. Since receiving the tank, the students and faculty are extremely grateful. They now have water to bathe, cook, and drink throughout the day. Just having water is not enough however, they still need to purify this water. The teachers will treat this water individually with water guard—a diluted chlorine solution. Phase two in these projects is to install the appropriate purification system for the school. This is where you can help!

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